Where I ramble about books and laws and walking

I have this tendency to read several books at once. Not at the same time mind you, I am not that awesome, but I’ll read a bit of one, then read a bit of another. Get’s rather confusing sometimes, especially when you mix what you read in one with what your reading in another and suddenly you wonder how the simple story of a ranch hand in Texas turned into an alien war on the planet Karupkus….

I know. I need some ADD meds… not really… kinda though.

My point with that was, I am reading the Old Ones by David Roberts while at the same time reading Reigning in the Rio Grande by Fred Phillips AND Anasazi America by David Stuart.

I have an abnormal interest in Southwest history. Both the ancient and modern. Having said that, I dislike archeologists as a general rule. I like to say, “The Governments own the history of mankind. Archeologists dictate what that history is and Museums sell the history to the googley eyed public through glass windows and Do-Not-Touch Signs.”

Okay. I don’t really go around saying that out loud. Mostly in my head when reading something that brings it to mind. Saying it out loud would be weird in everyday conversation.

In regards to In Search of the Old Ones by David Roberts, so far my conclusion is that David Roberts is a snob. He says so in this book. At least he mentions how his friend says he is, when after tracing the routes of Ancient Anasazi in Utah and they come to Lake Powell, he becomes disgusted with the raunchy college kids out playing on a lake that covers what used to be ancient Anasazi homesteads.

I haven’t actually gotten past that part yet but that’s the part that irks me. David is a writer. Not an archeologist but for some reason he still echoes the mentality of Harvard bred researchers everywhere, even whilst complimenting one of the most controversial figures in Ancient Southwest Archeology, Richard Wetherill. Who, I, as just a dumb redneck fella from Texas, happen to admire quite a bit. (And most Archeologists and Rangers around Mesa Verde dislike)

I haven’t finished the book yet, I know. blah blah blah

Ya know, I’ve walked the mountains and deserts of New Mexico for years now. I try not to stay on trail, not just because the Forest Service advises me too, but because I like to be able to touch my own history. Put my own footprint down in a place that not too many footprints have fallen. I will go a day out of my way, through brushy tumbleweeds, fields of cactus and sandpits from hell to stay away from the hard packed trails of the US Forest Service.

I can’t say why these rules and regulations irk me, but I’ve carefully walked across areas covered in ancient potsherds, just laying in the sand where they were left and hadn’t been seen since and I’ve held in my hand a copper knife found under a rock that hadn’t been touched in hundreds of years. There’s a connection you get from feeling an object, or standing in a place that hasn’t been utilized in a hundred or a thousand years that I just can’t explain to you. It’s a secret archeologists keep from the public. Oh they will give you a lecture on the meaning of a thing. They might let you hold a potsherd, then watch you intently to make sure you put it back. They might even give you a tour through “sacred” ground that only they are wise enough and “educated” enough to be allowed to interpret and to touch. The thrill though, of finding something, or of being able to hold onto one end of a rope in time that stretches back to some other fella from an ancient civilization is there’s alone to know.

I’ve felt this way for years and have never quite been able to put into words exactly how I felt. Recently, while doing research on Forrest Fenn to help me better understand the man and how he thinks, I came across the Mother of Indiana Jones. Which, in fact, I believe, was Mister Fenn’s attempt at reading my mind and then sending it off in the form of a Letter to the Editor.

Okay. I just wanted to get that off my chest.  In the meantime, with winter breaking into spring and everyone heading out into the wilds of the west, remember there are rules, there are fines and there is even jail time.  I don’t like the rules, but I like fines and jail-time even less.  With that said;

Recently I called up the Public Lands Department in Santa Fe, to see what there take was on the Forrest Fenn thing. The very peppy fella on the other end was more than happy to tell me that while the government hasn’t made any official statement on the matter, Archeological relics on government land, whether placed there recently or in ancient times, whether native to the area or in a box, are, “I’m fairly sure”, he said, the property of the US Government and all fines and punishments apply to anyone taking them. Then he smirked, at least it sounded like he smirked, and said, you do know Mister Fenn has been under investigation for years for possible violations of the blah blah blah….

Yeah I know.  The government is a very large bulbous zit on the face of freedom.  I just made that up.  Feel free to use it.

So in closing.

  1. I read a lot of books.
  2. I dislike walking on trails
  3. David Roberts is NOT an archeologist.
  4. Archeologists are snobs.
  5. Forrest Fenn reads minds
  6. the Government wants your treasure
  7. I tend to ramble when writing
  8. Going to jail would not be a fun way to end a treasure hunt excursion.
  9. Public Land information phone guys are very peppy while at the same time smirky.
  10. Zits.

I think that’s all I have.  I hope this has been informative and I wish you all the best of luck. Be careful and I’ll see ya in the woods.


UPDATE: 4/8/2013 

I finished reading In Search of the Old Ones by David Roberts  and I find him less a snob than previously conjectured.   The books a good read, more or less.  Though the part about Forrest Fenn wasn’t exactly running over with admiration…

That’s pretty much the update.  You’re welcome.

Categories: forrest fenn, love, Treasure hunting | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Where I ramble about books and laws and walking

  1. Goofy_Old_Guy

    The bureaucracy has turned us all into “government servants”. They know what’s best for everyone…….they never met a regulation and associated fee (just another word for tax) they didn’t like. Unless something is done your children and my grand children will live in a very different United States than you and I know. Just look at what happened in Cyprus today……..I’ve got to stop now before I blow a fuse.

    Back to the treasure…….maybe the person that finds the treasure should keep it quiet. Due to the cost for me to make a trip out there, I would like to send you “my spot” to get your opinion of where I think it is. I realize you could simply go get it and not tell a soul, including me and no one would ever know……But I just don’t think you are that kind of guy, even when large amounts of money are involved.

    You have my email address; if you emailed me I could send you my solution to the poem for your evaluation……..Or if there is a better way let me know.

  2. oaktreesandmariachi

    Goofy, I think keeping quiet, melting the gold and holding on to the rest would be the wisest move. Though, I’d like to see Fenn get that Bracelet back.

    Well, you wouldn’t have to worry about me getting it, it’s you’re spot, your treasure – is the way I see it, but I’ll tell you now, your solution is better than mine already since I don’t have a solid one at all, – so I may not be the best person to opine on solutions to the poem. 🙂 I’d say hold on to it and keep contemplating it until you get a chance to check it.

    That way if it isn’t there, there won’t be any question as to whether or not I had a lapse in morality. 🙂

    I’d hate for there to ever be any doubt on whether or not I took someone else’s spot. 🙂

  3. Bill Lynch

    Page 133 “The Thrill of the Chase”

    There are also other subtle clues sprinkled in the stories. it was vital that nobody share my knowledge about the location of the treasure. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. I dreamed the other night that I had been reincarnated as Captain Kidd and went to Gardiner’s Island looking for the treasure. It scared me so badly I was jarred awake and don’t remember whether I found it or not…..

    “The third suicide was the government’s main informant, Ted Gardiner, 52, who reportedly was paid buy money to help set up the cases. ”

    BTW Captain Kidd never did get to go back to dig up the treasure, a guy named Gardiner dug it up and it was used as evidence against him at trial before he was hung on the gallows in 170.

    “Captain William Kidd was either one of the most notorious pirates in the history of the world or one of its most unjustly vilified and prosecuted privateers in an age typified by the rationalisation of empire. Despite the legends and fiction surrounding this character, his actual career was punctuated by only a handful of skirmishes followed by a desperate quest to clear his name.”

    The good thing is that now one of them is dead and there is only one person that knows the secret location of the treasure……

    Ironic isn’t it?

    Would suggest you next book is “In Search of Ice Age Americans”

  4. CanyonCrusher

    “The government is a very large bulbous zit on the face of freedom.”

    Well said sir and I can’t stop laughing!!! (And I’m going to use it.)

  5. Hey oaktree very cool and funny. I’m trying not to write anything to reply to…I’m lazy. Stephanie and dal must have super powers to take care of their sites. I will on the other hand blog on your site if thats ok with U? i like to share ideas. And yes the cops r aware and watching…I was in Abiquiu two days ago. I was pulled over by an Espanola officer. I went back and fourth three times looking for the Abiquiu Lake, Abiquiu, and san lorenzo. The cop really was nice–he knew WHY we were there but still stopped us. Also stopped at Nambe Falls kinda on way…there too rangers…I never pick anything up or rasta while hunting.

  6. oaktreesandmariachi

    Dal and Steph are very good at updating and I certainly appreciate it. My blog isn’t specifically a Fenn Treasure blog like there’s, more of a personal blog about things I think about. Just happens lately I’ve been thinking about the Fenn Treasure. 🙂

    Feel free to comment here as you like. And yeah, watch out for the rangers, I’m fairly sure there watching out for us.

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