More Forrest Fenn in the News

ABC affiliate, Koat-TV here in Albuquerque finally got around to doing a story on the Fenn treasure.  Probably they were feeling a bit left out with all the NBC coverage of it.

New Mexico treasure hunt presents dangers | Albuquerque News – KOAT Home.

They decided to go with the “It’s dangerous and against the law” tilt on the story. (I’m assuming they read my previous post and wanted to one-up me) Even bringing in a Forest Fella to say it on camera.

My question to the government and the forest service is; If I’m hiking out on Government land, and I drop my wallet on the ground, does my wallet and everything in there now belong to the taxpayers? Should I leave it there and notify the “authorities” that I found an artifact? Please come take it.?

Seriously Government People, relax, take a breath and stop being such dillwads.

Yes, I said Dillwads in reference to the government.

In other news,  I think I just saw two men in dark green business suits with dark green sunglasses get out of a car in front of my house…weird, must be the Forest (Secret) Service here to question my use of the word “Dillwad”.

If you don’t hear from me again, just assume I’m locked in a wooden cellar somewhere in the middle of Yellowstone until further questioning….

Categories: forrest fenn, hiking, Treasure hunting | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “More Forrest Fenn in the News

  1. Oh! That was too funny!!

  2. ZACH

    Ricky- Thanks for your ramblings and your blog. You always seem to have something worthwhile to read about. I do enjoy your comments! I have lived in New Mexico for most of my life…..hunting, fishing, hiking, motorbiking, treasure hunting 🙂 I live here in Albuquerque, NM right now. I just think it is really sad that “the people” are the ones that are “supposed” to own the National Forest, but yet the actual few of us who go out and enjoy it get threatened for enjoying it and wanting a “piece” of it, a “part” of it.. Is that not something man has been doing since the beginning of time…….from decorating our caves to our modern homes. It’s just what we do. And for someone to try and take that away from us is unethical, unjust, and against the whole reason why we live where we do and what we are “supposed” to represent………..FREEDOM! I would like to know how many of these officials PRACTICE WHAT THE PREACH? I would like to know if that Forest Service Spokesman has anything related to the FOREST in his home, or has taken anything ever from the FOREST. If he has then that is a felony and he needs to be arrested, him along with all the other Forest Service personnel who have also taken anything from the FOREST, ever! …….See how ridiculous that sounds. They can go kick rocks…….since they aren’t supposed to pick them up! Well, that is enough of my rambling. See you in the wood.

    • oaktreesandmariachi

      Thanks Zach. I’d say that pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter too.

  3. Forrest, I love the your rationale; you run circles around the feds with your humor. I became hooked on the hunt last week, and I have to thank you, because visiting the thousand or so beautiful hideaways north of you I have decided to put one or two of them on my bucket list. Just need to find the treasure or make some quick money; do you want to buy a forgery?

  4. Sunshine

    Ok,I like your humor and style, thanks:)…Up a cold creek without a paddle, is me

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